A Tcl/Tk and Expect Tutorial

by Will Morse, BHP Petroleum

			Landmark Graphics Corporation
                     World Wide Technology Conference

                              Houston, Texas

                             December 1, 1994

                             Tcl/Tk and Expect

               by:  Will Morse
                    BHP Petroleum 

Copyright 1994 Will Morse.  Permission is given to freely copy and
distribute this paper as long as there is no charge except real and
actual mechanical copying costs and as long as this notice is kept
with each copy so others may copy it as well.

The opinions expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily
reflect the opinions or policies of The Broken Hill Proprietary
Company, Limited, or its various divisions.  Your milage may vary.

     Shell scripts are the frequent tool of Landmark systems
     administrators.  Whether Bourne shell, C-shell, or Korn shell,
     shell script programs have distinct limits.

     *    They usually run in an Xterm window, and require the user
          to have some ancillary knowledge of Unix commands.

     *    They do not take advantage, or take only the most trivial
          advantage, of the mouse.

     *    They do not have the advantages of scroll bars, radio
          buttons and so on, so they must ask questions and take
          user input, even if the default is acceptable.  For some
          programs, this can be twenty or more questions, even if
          the answer is just a tap of the enter key.

     *    It is unusual to have these programs "hanging" on the
          Command Menu (launcher).

     In addition,  shell script programs cannot have a useful
     two-way dialog with a program such as bcm2d or zap.  If you
     want to run ten bcm2d jobs in a shell script, you still have
     to watch the screen and every now and then respond to
     questions.  Most systems can not run several zap jobs at once. 
     It would be nice to be able to "stack" them in a shell script
     and run them sequentially over night.

     Tcl/Tk and expect act on the level of shell scripts, but
     provide the capability of drawing X-windows "widgets" and of
     operating programs without a human constantly watching.

     As a systems administrator or data administrator, these
     programs can save you time and increase your productivity
     because you can make many simple, and even complex, operations
     available to the geologist / geophysicist user directly.  You
     can also save time by being able to run many data loading and
     other processing operations unattended overnight.

     All these programs are FREE.  The most you might pay is $60 or
     so for a CD-ROM containing the programs which you can then
     install on your system.  There are also several consulting
     firms in the Houston area (see page 19) that will do all the
     installation and give you training, for a fee, of course.

     In this tutorial, we will discuss:

          Definitions                        page 3
          Seismic / SeisWorks applications   page 4
          A Simple Expect Program            page 6         
          A Simple Tcl/Tk (wish) Program     page 8
          Basic Tcl                          page 10
               Variables                          page 10
               Set                                page 10
               Embedded Execution                 page 10
               Arithmetic                         page 11
               If-then-Else                       page 11
               Loops                              page 12
               Files                              page 12
               Procedures                         page 13
               Regular Expressions                page 13
          A Simple Expectk Program           page 15
          Manuals and Documentation          page 17
          Where to Get It                    page 18
          Where to Get Support               page 19

     Tcl       pronounced "tickle", is a fairly simple and
               straight forward computer language similar to a
               shell language.  Tcl stands for Tool Command

     Tk        is a set of libraries that can be used by a string
               oriented computer language such as Tcl to draw
               X-windows "widgets" such as list boxes, menus, and
               so on.  Tk is most often used with Tcl, but will
               also work with other languages such as perl and

     expect    is an extended version of Tcl which can serve as a
               "robot operator" to run certain kinds of programs,
               in particular programs like Landmark's bcm2d and
               bcm3d and zap.

     expectk   is a version of expect that uses the X-windows
               drawing capability of Tk.

     wish      is a combined interpreter (shell) for Tcl and Tk. 
               wish stands for "windowing shell".

     widget    a component of an X-windows window.  Examples of
               widgets are: scroll-bars, select lists, push
               buttons, radio buttons, pull-down and pop-up menus. 
               A special kind of widget is the "canvas", which is
               used for diagrams, graphs, and other drawings.

     Tcl, while it has many merits, is generally not of interest to
     this audience except in combination with one of the other

     Tcl/Tk is dramatically easier than C, C++, and the Motif and
     X libraries.  Still, it is not the easiest place to start of
     this group.  We will cover some of the basic ideas in this
     paper that will get you to where you can read and understand
     the manuals.

     expect is the easiest program in the group.  You can write
     useful scripts in expect without understanding Tcl at all.  A
     little Tcl will help you expand these scripts into powerful

     expectk is not hard, but combines elements from the other
     programs so it is best to learn at least a little about Tcl,
     Tk, and expect before getting into expectk.


     Applications written in these languages that are related to
     seismic interpretation and to SeisWorks include:

     *    run.bcm2d and run.bcm3d

          These programs are used to build a shell script that can
          run bcm jobs at night with no operator attention.

     *    License signup sheet.

          This on-line signup sheet lets users sign up for licenses
          at specified times.  Users can plan their usage without
          having to go to a central paper signup sheet.  With the
          "Check licenses" feature, a person who has signed up for
          a license can find out if someone else is "borrowing"
          some of their time.

     *    Eclipse Control Panel

          The Eclipse Reservoir Simulator requires a number of
          routine questions be answered each time it runs.  The
          Eclipse Control Panel presents these questions as select
          boxes, radio buttons, and text entry boxes.  The default
          answers are pre-selected.  If you want to run the
          defaults, just click okay.

     *    ZAP-later.

          This program collects the parameters needed to run a ZAP
          job and allows that job to be run overnight at a
          specified time.  The user does not have to be logged in
          to the system at the time the ZAP is run.

     *    Programs like plist, odacheck, and other SeisWorks
          utilities are easily run in a windows environment with
          results displayed in list boxes.

     *    CGM Plotting Control Panel

          This program lets the user select paper or transparency
          media, up to 5 copies, rotated display,  remove after
          plotting or keep.  There is a feature to help find the
          CGM file.  A previewer (incorporating gplot, a FREE
          program) lets the user see the general look of the plot
          before commiting to paper.

     *    Planimeter

          A simple planimeter program that puts the digitized
          points in a file the way you want.  

     *    Replacement for launcher.

          This program works like the standard LGC launcher except
          it lets you specify seperator lines between menus, lets
          you use icons for selections instead of just text, allows
          selections to be turned on and off.

     *    GUI's for CWP / SU 

          CWP / SU (Center for Wave Phenomon, Seismic Unix) is a
          set of free seismic processing programs.  These programs
          are similar to shell script programs in the way they
          operate.  Tcl/Tk can provide a Graphic User Interface to
          these programs and make them much easier to use.

     Expect is basically a "robot operator" that executes a program
     for you.  When this program puts a message out, thinking it is
     going to you as the program user, expect intercepts that
     message and gives the program the appropriate reply.


      1   #! /usr/local/bin/expect --
      2   set timeout -1
      3   spawn bcm2d [lindex $argv 0]
      4   expect *number :*
      5   exec sleep 1
      6   send "r\r"
      7   expect "*Ready, or A to Abort :*"
      8   exec sleep 1
      9   send "r\r"
     10   expect eof
     11   exit

     You can put several instances of this program in a basic shell
     script and run the program overnight:

          #! /bin/sh
          run.bcm2d file01.pcl
          run.bcm2d file02.pcl
          run.bcm2d file03.pcl
          run.bcm2d file04.pcl
          run.bcm2d file17.pcl
          run.bcm2d file18.pcl
          run.bcm2d file19.pcl
          run.bcm2d file20.pcl

     Line 1 is the "shebang" line.  It tells Unix what shell to use
     to run this program.

     Line 2 turns off the timeout feature.  This feature is useful
     in programs that dial into remote databases and so on, but not
     for bcm2d.

     The program runs the bcm2d program using spawn (3).  The part
     [lindex $argv 0] takes the "zeroth" item from the list $argv
     and uses that as the file bcm2d processes.  lindex stands for
     "list index", and, like Unix programs everywhere, 0 is the
     first item (and in this case, the only item) in the list.

     Every time the program stops to ask what reel number you want
     to use (4), expect supplies an answer "r" (6).  The * in front
     and after "number :" tell expect that the question will
     contain these characters, but that there will be other
     characters as well.  The \r (6) is the return key you would
     have typed.  There is a 1 second "sleep" (5) between the time
     the question is asked by bcm2d and the time expect gives the
     answer because bcm2d is expecting a human to answer and isn't
     quite ready to listen so quickly after asking.

     Every time bcm2d asks if you are ready (7), expect fills in
     the "r" (9), once again a sleep (8) with \r for the return

     The eof (10) is the end of file.  When bcm2d (or any other
     program) finishes and exits, it closes its standard output
     file.  expect detects this.  If you did not wait for eof,
     expect would just quit after answering the Ready prompt (9),
     and take down bcm2d with it.

     This simple program executes the Landmark "plist" command and
     puts the results in a scrollable listbox.  You could easily
     "hang" this command on the OpenWorks Command Menu (launcher).

     This example has unusual spacing to make it easier to show the
     various parts of the program, there is no spacing requirement
     in Tcl/Tk.  The italicized numbers are for the explanation
     below, they do not exist in the file.

      1   #! /usr/local/bin/wish -f
      2   wm         title    .  {Landmark Project List}
      3   wm         geometry .  +250+250
      4   wm         minsize  .  1 1

      5   label      .label   -text {Landmark Project List} \
      6                       -font 10x20

      7   frame      .f       -borderwidth 5
      8   scrollbar  .f.y     -command {.f.list yview}
      9   scrollbar  .f.x     -orient horiz \
     10                       -command {.f.list xview}
     11   listbox    .f.list  -relief sunken \
     12                       -xscroll {.f.x set} \
     13                       -yscroll {.f.y set}

     14   pack append .f      \
     15               .f.y    {right filly} \
     16               .f.x    {bottom fillx} \
     17               .f.list {top fillx filly expand}

     18   button     .ok      -text {OK} \
     19                       -command {destroy .}

     20   pack append .       \
     21               .label  {top fillx} \
     22               .f      {top fillx} \
     23               .ok     {top fillx}

     24   set         fh      [open "|plist" r]
     25   while       {! [eof $fh]} {
     26               gets $fh line
     27               .f.list insert end $line
     28               }

     Line 1    is the "shebang" line to tell Unix which
               interpreter to use.

     Line 2    uses the wm command to pass the title to Motif to
               display on the title bar.

     Line 3    uses the wm command to pass the location on the
               screen to Motif.  If you do not use this, you will
               have to click the mouse button to "realize" the

     Line 4    gives the minimum dimensions of the window.  This
               turns on the ability to change the size of the
               window using the Motif side handles.

     Line 5    Defines a label on the window giving the text and
               the font.  Note the escaped return.  You cannot
               just start on the next line.

     Line 7    creates a frame.  A frame is a assembledge of
               smaller pieces that will be treated as one piece.

     Line 8    describes the vertical scrollbar.  The way this
               works is that the scroll bar computes a position,
               them tells .f.list, the listbox, to move to that

     Line 9    is the same for the horizontal scrollbar

     Line 11   describes the listbox and associates it with the

     Line 14   "packages" the components of the scroll box, that
               is, the listbox and the two scrollbars.

     Line 18   creates a "button".  When this button is "pressed",
               it executes the command.  In this case, the command
               is to destroy the base widget (named .) which exits
               the program.

     Line 20   packages the base widget with the label, the frame,
               and the button.  They are all set to "top" so they
               will appear in order from the top.

     Line 24   is a Tcl command (see page 12).  It opens a pipe in
               which it executes the "plist" command.  It sets the
               filehandle for the result in fh.

     Line 25   is a Tcl command, it tests the end-of-file status
               for the piped plist command.  As long as there are
               more lines of output from plist, the program
               executes the target commands.

     Line 26   is a Tcl command.  gets reads a line from the plist
               command and puts it in the variable named "line".

     Line 27   inserts the line into the listbox at the end.

     Line 28   closes the while loop.

     The program creates the window and then waits for user to do
     something.  If the something is moving the scroll bars,  the
     program executes those commands.  If the something is clicking
     the OK button, the program exits.


     Tcl has hundreds of features.  This is a barely adequate
     overview to help us understand the other programs.


     A Tcl variable is any set of letters and numbers, but it is
     best for the first character to be a letter.  All variables in
     Tcl are character strings, they only become numbers during
     arithmetic operations.

     Variables can be in arrays.  env is the array of environmental

                    set home $env(HOME)


     The set command give a variable a value.

          set pi 3.1415926
          set name "World Wide Technology Conference"

     Set without a value reports the value that the variable
     already contains:

          set pi

     returns 3.1415926.  A shorthand way to report a value (and by
     far the most frequent way to do this, is to precede the
     variable name with a $:

          set morePi $pi

Embedded Execution:

     Tcl has an embedded execution using square brackets that is
     basically analogous to the back quote execution in Bourne
     shell except that embedded execution can be nested in Tcl.

          set a [pwd]
          set a [sort $list]
          set a [sort [list $x $y $z]]


     The great bulk of arithmetic in Tcl takes place in either the
     conditions of an if-then-else or in an expr command.  You can
     not have a command:

          set a $a + 1

     It needs to be:

          set a [expr $a + 1]

     There are some commands which act as though they had an expr
     command in front of them:

          set a [sin $angle]
          set a [expr sin($angle)]

     but not

          set a [atan2 $y $x]

     this must be

          set a [expr atan2($y,$x)]


     The Tcl if-then-else is pretty straight forward:

          if {condition} then {action} else {action}

     This is frequently written:

          if {$a == $b} then {
               puts "true"
          } else {
               puts "false"

     You must escape the return before the then and the else to

          if {$a < $b}   \
               puts "true"
          } \
          else \
               puts "false"

     This is because Tcl does not have a specific line termination
     character (such as the semicolon in perl).

For and While:

     These are also pretty straight forward:

          while {condition} {action}

          for {start} {test} {increment} {action}

     For example:

          while {! [eof $file]} {
               gets $filehandle line

          for {set i 1} {i < 10} {incr i 1} {
               set a [expr 10 * $i]
               puts "$a"


     Reading and writing are normally done using the gets and puts
     commands.  It is not necessary to open STDIN, STDOUT, or
     STDERR.  Other files must be opened explicitly.  Files are
     closed implicitly when the program terminates, but you can
     explicitly close them if you want.  

     File commands include:

          open      note, open needs to be "set xx [open...]
          close     filehandle
          eof       filehandle
          gets      filehandle variable
          puts      filehandle "string with $variables"

     For Example:

          set fhIn  [open "/etc/passwd" r]
          set fhOut [open "/home/hacker/passwd" w]
          while {! [eof $fhIn]} {
               gets $fhIn input
               puts $fhOut "$input"
          close $fhIn
          close $fhOut

     The file can be a pipe to another program.  This is signified
     by placing the pipe symbol at the BEGINNING of the command

          set fhIn  [open "|cat /etc/passwd" r]
          set fhOut [open "|wc -l"           w]

Procedures and Subroutines:

     Procedures are defined with the proc statement:

          proc hypot {x y} {
               set h [sqrt $x*$x+$y*$y]
               return $h}

     To call a procedure, write the procedure as a statement:

          gets x
          gets y
          set hy [hypot $x $y]
          puts "Hypot = $hy"

     You can give a procedure default values:

          proc maybe {{window .ww}} {
               toplevel $ww
               button $ww.b -text ...

     You can execute a Unix command with the exec command:

          set longevity [exec uptime]

     variable (in this case, longevity).

Regular Expressions:

     No Unix program is complete without at least one regular

     The regexp command handles regular expressions.  This can be
     in an if statement, such as:

          if [rexexp {^[0-9][0-9]*} $number] then {...}

     It can also be used to extract values.

          regexp { *([0-9][0-9]*), *([0-9][0-9]*), *(..*)} \
              match xLocation yLocation buttonPressed

     This can be greatly simplified using variables:

          set D   "[0-9][0-9]*"    # one or more digits
          set ANY "..*"            # one or more characters

          regexp " *($D), *($D), *($ANY)" match X Y button

     You could not define the spaces as 

          set WS  " *"


          regexp "$WS($D),$WS($D),$WS($ANY)" match X Y button

     because Tcl would be confused whether $WS($D) was referring to
     two variables next to each other, or an array variable $WS
     indexed by $D.


     This program performs a simple action and puts up a
     "Click to Continue" button to let you know that it finished. 

      1   #! /usr/local/bin/expectk --
      2   button  .ok    -text {Running Tar} -command exit
      3   pack    .ok    -fill x -fill y 
      4   exec    tar   -cvf /dev/rst2 /p?/project1 
      5   expect  eof
      6   .ok     config -text {Click to Continue}

     You will want to have the Tk description in place (lines 2 and
     3) before running the command (line 4) or expectk will place
     a rather annoying default box on the screen until it gets
     directions on how to fill it. Line 6 is used to change the
     text on the button.
     A slightly more useful version of this program would be:

      1   #! /usr/local/bin/expectk --
      2   wm geometry . +250+250
      3   wm minsize . 1 1
      4   button .ok -text {Running The Command}  \
      5              -borderwidth 10 \
      6              -relief sunken \
      7              -state disabled \
      8              -disabledforeground black \
      9              -activebackground grey \
     10              -activeforeground green \
     11              -fg black \
     12              -bg pink \
     13              -font 10x20 \
     14              -command exit
     15   pack .ok -fill x -fill y
     16   set xx [exec $argv ]
     17   expect eof
     18   .ok config -state normal \
     19              -relief raised \
     20              -bg green \
     21              -text {Push to Continue}

     This program will run an arbitrary command supplied as an
     argurement and tell you when it is done.  The program is
     called by:

          flag.run "ls /p?"

     The double quotes make the ls and the /p? into one argurment,
     otherwise the program would only execute the ls.

     The program uses a lot of colors basically to demonstrate that
     they can be used.  It is not necessary to use so many colors.

     Lines 2 and 3 set up the window so that it is only the
     necessary size.  The default size is rather larger.

     Line 4 gives the initial text.  This text will be changed by
     line 21.

     Lines 5, 6, and 7 set up characteristics of the button.  The
     borderwidth is used to give the amount of relief the button
     will have.  The state is disabled so that the user cannot
     click the button before the program is finished.  Once the
     prgoram is finished, the state is changed to normal in line
     18.  The relief is sunken.  The relief is changed to raised in
     line 19.

     Lines 8 - 12 give colors for various states the button can be
     in.  Note that there is not an option for disabledbackground. 
     active means that the mouse pointer is positioned over the
     button.  The button cannot become active if it is disabled.

     Line 16 is where the command is executed.  The set xx [] is
     used to capture the output in a string in the program so that
     is is not displayed on the xterm.

     The config command in line 19 is used to change parameters
     specified originally in line 4.

     Each of these programs has a "man page" that is installed with
     the program.  This has no additional cost, but has the typical
     "reminder for people who already know" style of man pages

     The definitive reference for Tcl and Tk is:

               Tcl and the Tk Toolkit
               John Ousterhout
               Published by Addison-Wesley
               ISBN: 0-201-63337-X

     The definitive reference for expect and expectk, and a good
     resource for Tcl, is:

               Exploring Expect
               by Don Libes
               Published by O'Reilly & Associates, 
               ISBN: 1-56592-090-2

     These books are available at BookStop in Houston and at other
     fine bookstores.

     The Energy Related Unix User's Group Unix Cookbook contains
     contributed Tcl/Tk scripts of interest to the petroleum
     exploration and production technical user.

     If you have an Internet connection, all these programs can be
     obtained by anonymous ftp from


     Other sources are CD-ROM's.  Some CD-ROM's are distributed
     with books.  Two good places to look for these programs are:

               Prime Time Freeware for Unix, $60.00
               ISBN 1-881957-04-7

               Unix Power Tools, $59.95
               ISBN 0-679-79073-X

     These books are available at BookStop in Houston and at other
     fine bookstores.


     The best support for all these languages is in the Internet


     There are at least two companies in Houston that will help
     with Tcl and Tk on a consulting basis.



     There are some people in the Energy Related Unix User's Group
     (ERUUG) in Houston that are using Tcl/Tk and Expect.  To join
     ERUUG, call Analisa Smith at (713) 621-0022.

This is both papers and the end of this message.
From jgerber@solar.rtd.utk.edu Mon Dec 19 13:36:09 1994
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From: jgerber@solar.rtd.utk.edu (John J. Gerber)
Sender: jgerber@solar.rtd.utk.edu
Subject: Papers on Perl and Tcl/Tk
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I'm always a little hesitant sending email to an address other then the original poster.
James Huang (james@oslonett.no) posted to comp.lang.perl a message stating that you had
presented two award winning papers at the Landmark Graphics World Wide Technology Forum.
The papers were about Perl and Tcl/Tk, and anyone wishing to lay hands on copies of these
papers could send email requesting these papers.  I would very much be interested in these

Thank you in advance for any assistance you can give.
-- John

InterNet: jgerber@solar.rtd.utk.edu 
VoiceNet: (615) 974-2909
StampNet: Office of Research Services   FaxNet: (615) 974-6508
          211 Hoskins Library
          Knoxville, TN 37996    

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